June 14, 2007
Her Happenstances
Our fates were always intertwined, Elizabeth, but never joined.
- Norrington (Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End)
How do I define history? Well it's just one f*cking thing after another, isn't it?
- Rudge (The History Boys)
And everything still remains as a mystery to me. How life misteriously unravels one episode at a time, why certain things occur and others don't, how even the littlest details are actually essential to make up for the big picture, why serendipities are bound to strike inevitably.
One thing I undoubtedly understand is that He, the Supreme Being above, never ever abandon me. The signs and clues are His way to guide me to the right direction, and its divinity never fails to amaze me.
adyani rode the Shrimp Boat.
6:52 am